The Norwegian Centre for Arts and Culture in Education
The Norwegian Centre for Arts and Culture in Education (NCACE) contributes to increased quality in arts and culture subjects throughout the entire course of education from kindergarten to teacher education.
About the centre
The Norwegian Centre for Arts and Culture in Education is a resource centre that helps to strengthen work in art and culture subjects in kindergarten and primary and secondary education. The centre develops and disseminates subject didactic resources, courses and conferences. Over several years, the centre has developed an extensive digital resource base.
The Norwegian Centre for Arts and Culture in Education helps kindergartens and schools to increase their expertise in interpreting and operationalising framework plans and curricula. We support teacher education programmes and other institutions in their work on skills development in arts and culture subjects throughout the entire course of primary and secondary education and training. When necessary, we act as advisors to national education authorities in the field of arts and culture.
The centre’s target group includes teacher education programmes, kindergarten and school owners, managers and employees in kindergartens and schools, as well as the educational and psychological counselling service. We conduct academic and research collaboration with national and international academic and research networks, organisations and environments.
The Arts and Culture in Education research group (KKO) is part of the centre’s operations.
The Norwegian Centre for Arts and Culture in Education was established by the Ministry of Education and Research in 2007 and has been given a national assignment. Responsibility for the centre was transferred to Nord University in 2018, cf. Letter of Allocation from the Ministry of Education and Research:
The Ministry of Education and Research refers to the decision that responsibility for the National Centre for Arts and Culture in Education will be transferred to Nord University from 1 January 2018, cf. Proposition 1 S (2017-2018) and Report to the Storting 21 (2016–2017) Desire to Learn – Early Intervention and Quality in Schools. Previous mandates and agreements between the Ministry and the national primary and secondary education and training centres are therefore no longer applicable.
The Ministry expects Nord University to use the funds transferred to help increase quality in the arts and culture subjects in kindergartens and primary and secondary education and training.
- Nord University will contribute to involvement in the subjects and to increased interest in arts and culture education.
- Nord University will continue its work on research dissemination and practice-oriented activities and assistance based on relevant research. Relevant target groups for the work are teacher education programmes, school and kindergarten owners, managers and employees in kindergartens and schools, and the educational and psychological counselling service.
- The Norwegian Centre for Arts and Culture in Education helps kindergartens and schools to increase their expertise in interpreting and operationalising framework plans and curricula.
- Nord University will also support other institutions and especially teacher education programmes in their work on skills development in arts and culture subjects in schools and kindergartens.
- When necessary, Nord University will also act as an advisor to national education authorities in this field
Core curriculum – values and principles for primary and secondary education
The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training
Ministry of Education and Research
Office address:
The Norwegian Centre for Arts and Culture in Education
Nord University, campus Bodø, Mørkvedgården
Telephone: 75 51 75 00
Email: kunstkultur@nord.no
Postal address:
The Norwegian Centre for Arts and Culture in Education
Nord University
P.O. Box 1490
8049 BODØ
Billing address:
Invoices to The Norwegian Centre for Arts and Culture in Education are to be delivered electronically in EHF format to Nord and marked 920002. The electronic address corresponds to our organisation number: 970940243.